Sunday, October 11, 2015

Movie Review: Fresh (Issue 7)

           Fresh is a movie about the farming industry in the United States. It touches on topics of sustainable living, industrial  farming and home grown foods.
Disclaimer: I did not get to see the rest of the film, however I have a gist of the overall purpose.
Convenience. That one word strives the world. Yet in a one particular country it is as if that word is a religion. America has built their selves around convenience. There are more gyms housing treadmills then there are parks to just take a stroll in. One place convenience has taken over is the food industry. We have moved past healthy and sustainable living, to give it to me in under and a minute and make it less than a dollar. The movie fresh discuss exactly that.

In the movie they showed the truth that hides behind the metal doors of farm cities. Farming is no longer a way of life. It is an industry that is gambling with the lives of others in order to make billions. Inside those farming cities, animals are kept in closed quarters, maxing out their living space. Corpses of animals that didn't make it to the slaughter house are making it into the animal food. This brings upon many diseases and bacteria not only harmful to the animal. but harmful to the consumer. Farm cities also destroy the animals way of life. Cows no longer eat grass, Chickens have their beaks and claws removed, and pigs fattened up right away.

On the other hand it shows farmers doing away with diseased animals and starting new. This one farmer killed off 40,000 $ of product because it was diseased. He decided to start a new. A lot of farmers where then shown, going through the process of substantial living. How to have either a big farm, or even a back yard farm with only healthy habits. A farm that runs itself. Water is recycled, waste is recycled, everything is recycled. A man in used an acre of land to create a farm that ran on what it produced. There he taught workshops on proper farming, and the difference between well grown food, and food that cut corners.

1 comment:

  1. Samme--This entry is pretty good, but it is brief. Analyze more. Missing #8, #9 & #10. Not good.
